RATED PG-13. A CO-PRODUCTION OF 63audio and LEAP AUDIO. This is the story of two gay couples and their fight to challenge the constitutionality of California's Proposition 8, which went into effect in the first decade of the 21st century. Prop. 8 essentially made it illegal for same-sex couples to marry. Fashioned from actual dialog, TV political ads and court transcripts, "8" is a moving, gripping drama that you must share with your family and friends.
Written by the author of the recent hit TV miniseries, "When We Rise", Dustin Lance Black.
Featured in the cast were: (*indicates Narada Radio Company members)
Austin Beach* (of Audioblivious Prod.) as Charles Cooper
Bob Caro* as Evan Wolfson
Shannon Grace* as Maggie Gallagher
Christian Ferris* as David Blankenhorn
MJ Cogburn as Dr Cott
Jeremy Hennessy* (of Audioblivious Prod.) as Dr. Gregory Herek
Michael Cogburn as Elliot Perry
Mason Cogburn as Spencer Perry
John Washington* as Dr. Tam
Keane Lutz* as Ryan Kendall
Kristy Glick* as Sandy Stier
Melody Gaines* as Kris Perry
Kyle Bauer* as Dr. Ilan Meyer
Maurice Curran* as Jeff Zarillo
Omar Lopez* as Paul Katami
Lisa Marie Ayala* as the Court Clerk
Victoria Fancki* as the Journalist
And special Guest stars:
Pete Lutz* as Judge Vaughn Walker
Jack Ward* (of Electric Vicuna Prod.) as David Boies
Timm Gillick as Dr. Gary Segura
Mark Bruzee* as Theodore Olson
Nick Wommack* as the Narrator
This play was written by Dustin Lance Black
Produced by Pete Lutz for 63audio
Mark Bruzee for Leap Audio
Post-production by Mark Bruzee
Line Director was Pete Lutz
“Love Don’t Know a Reason” by Michael Callen was used without permission.
8 was originally funded by The American Foundation for Equal Rights and Broadway Impact.
For more information or to schedule your own staged reading of “8” go to:
This has been a co-production of 63audio and Leap Audio.
Here's the trailer for our next release, an audio drama called "8" by Dustin Lance Black, author of the "When We Rise" TV miniseries currently being aired. "8" is about California's Proposition 8, which questioned the legality and necessity of same-sex marriage, and which was voted in by Californians in the first decade of the 21st century. Two same-sex couples went to court to challenge that law, and this play details these people's court battles and what was going on in their private lives as well.
"8" is a co-production of LEAP Audio Productions and 63audio, and was co-directed by Mark Bruzee of LEAP and Pete Lutz (of you-know-what). The production is performed by members of the LEAP players and the Narada Radio Company. Mark adapted the play for audio.
A special re-release from the vaults, this one is a show I created for Mark Slade's "The Hangman's Dozen" anthology series. It's called "Four Minus One", and was originally released as a co-production of 63audio and 4077th/All Better Audio, on 2/26/16.
Set during the days when "Old Time Radio" was just "Radio", Four Minus One is about actress Marjorie Vining, longtime star of the hit radio series, "The Librarian of Coreyville". When she senses her co-star is scheming to steal her role, Marjorie seeks assistance from a local gypsy fortuneteller, who takes her down a long road of curses and revenge.
Spirit Voice: JASON D. JOHNSON
Radio Show Announcer: REX GABRIEL
Bill Baker: PETE LUTZ
Marjorie Vining: KRISTY GLICK
Wink Winkler: ALAN CLOWER
Stationmaster: DANA GONSALVES
“The Librarian of Coreyville” Theme composed and performed by DR. ROSS BERNHARDT
We're back! At long last, the 4th installment of NADI is here and ready to enjoy!
1st & 3rd features: Rated G for General Audiences
2nd feature: Rated PG for Parental Guidance due to mild adult language
Your all-new prescription for laughter!
Starring: Darren Rockhold, George Hatfield, Omar Lopez, Nancy Gaugler, Derek Rhein and Angela Young
2. JAKE DIMES, RANGE DETECTIVE Chapter Four: "Arrested!"
Jake gets taken in by the Sheriff of Prickly Pear; we learn what happens to Briar Buck.
Starring: Glenn Higbee, Darren Rockhold, Glenn Hascall, Evy Elizondo, Debby Leal-Ramirez, Joe Stofko, Jeff Niles, Dana Gonsalves, Mark Bruzee, Kristen DiMercurio and Nancy Bueler
3. PULP-POURRI THEATRE S4 E4: "ARSON PLUS" by Dashiell Hammett
Hammett's first story featuring The Continental Op, from 1923! A rollicking jaunt through arson, murder and some other crimes!
Starring: Cannonball Kelly, special guest Ed Champion, Pete Lutz, Alan Clower, Austin Hanna, Skeeter Ullman, Ross Bernhardt, Owen McCuen, Lisa Espinoza, Jason D. Johnson, Gene Giggy, Teddi Giggy, Micah R. Blain, Kevin Schuster, Diana DeHoyos, Katie Loftin, Maurice Curran, Nick Wommack, George Hatfield and Peter D. Howard
I'm happy to report that progress has been made on the latest Narada Audio Drive-In episode, and I'll be able (if my luck holds out) to launch it NEXT SUNDAY!
Meantime, please enjoy this offering of our funny bits from Season 2 (the second helping)!
As I continue working on the many projects I've foolishly gotten involved in (but wouldn't miss for the world), I want to keep up my practice of releasing something every Sunday, because I hope you've all come to expect it and depend on it.
This week's offering is part 1 of S2's line-up of fictitious commercials and special features, and I hope you will enjoy them as much as, if not more than, S1's offerings in this same vein. We've got more of your favorite features, like the Philboyd Studge Interviews, Emergency Apothecary, the Bix Bixby Book Review, and very special trailers from your friends at Repellent Pictures and the Turnbuckle Television Cartel!
Part 2 next week! Meantime, enjoy!
As I am still working on several projects at once, one of which is the newest episode of Narada Audio Drive-In, I almost forgot to load something for your podcast feed, dear friends! Here is part 2 of our S1 compilation of the special features and fictitious commercials from Pulp-Pourri Theatre!
One of the other projects is an all-new serial planned for release in S5, called "Lola, Queen of the Circus". I am currently working on the edits for Chapter 4, and so far things are looking very exciting! I'm writing now because February is NADSWRIM, the National Audio Drama Script Writing Month. It was during this month two years ago that I wrote "Jake Dimes, Range Detective" (most of it, anyway), and I hope to get quite a bit of this new serial written during February, while still living up to my commitment of bringing you Episode 4 of NADI.
Meantime, enjoy this offering from the past, and look for part 1 of S2's compilation next week!
Everybody loves to hear the words, "We'll be back with more Pulp-Pourri Theatre, after this important message," because that means it's comedy time! Yes, here are the commercials for fictitious products and special features from the very first season of PPT. We had kind of a rocky start with these, but once we got to S1 E4, we really hit our stride. Please enjoy these comedy treats and tidbits, and watch for Part 2, coming next week!
Originally released 3/27/15, "This Guy Walks Into a Bar" is an original play written by guest playwright Mike Murphy. This is Episode 6 of Season 2 of "Pulp-Pourri Theatre", an anthology series created in the style of Old-Time Radio. Adapted, Directed and Produced by Pete Lutz, and starring the Narada Radio Company. Certain music passages by Kevin MacLeod of incompetech.com, and by the Water Tower Bucket Boys. All materials such as sound effects and incidental music in this production were sourced from the public domain. Commercials for fictitious products were written and produced by Pete Lutz.
CONGRATULATIONS to Playwright Mike Murphy and the cast of this episode, for their mutual wins in the 2015 Audio Verse Awards! Mike won for Best Writing in an Original, Long-Form, Stand-Alone Production, and the Episode itself won for Best Original, Long-Form, Stand-Alone Drama!
MATT WILSON: Christian Ferris
MEBLA: Nancy Bueler
MR. MARKS: Jack Ward
Aileen Corpos, Nick Wommack, Micah Blain, Andres Elizondo II, Nancy Gaugler, Pete Lutz
Here it is, the fourth and final round of the fake commercials and special features from Season 3 of Pulp-Pourri Theatre! The little gems of comedy from the twisted mind of show creator Pete Lutz are presented here in no particular order, guaranteed to entertain the way they did the first time you heard 'em! It's about 18 minutes of sheer ridiculosity!
All commercials and special features are conceived and written by Pete Lutz, with the exception of "Happy Endig's Massage & Spa" in this mini-sode, which was conceived and written by Mark Hacala (and performed by my son, Derek Lutz).
Here it is, the third round of the fake commercials and special features from Season 3 of Pulp-Pourri Theatre! The little gems of comedy from the twisted mind of show creator Pete Lutz are presented here in no particular order, guaranteed to entertain the way they did the first time you heard 'em! Parts 3 is at 30 min. or so, so I'm not identifying it as a "mini-sode", but Part 4 will run at about 17 min, so I will be.
Starring various members of the Narada Radio Company. We hope your New Year's month is going swimmingly! Part 4 will be coming your way next week.
Here it is, the second round of the fake commercials and special features from Season 3 of Pulp-Pourri Theatre! The little gems of comedy from the twisted mind of show creator Pete Lutz are presented here in no particular order, guaranteed to entertain the way they did the first time you heard 'em! Parts 2 and 3 are at 30 min. or so each so I'm not identifying them as "mini-sodes".
Starring various members of the Narada Radio Company. We hope your New Year is going swimmingly! Part 3 will be coming your way next week.