Fans of the Narada Radio Company -- all two of you -- will likely have noticed that Mr. John Bell has taken part in many of our productions over the course of the last two years or so. John is a man of many voices, and a fantastic sense of humor, and his own comedy series, "Bell's in the Batfry", has been going strong for more more than a dozen years.
As a tribute to the man, I wrote and performed all of the characters in a spoof of his show, which I called "Crade's in the Cattle", much in the same way John voices 99.9% of the characters in his show (he does bring in occasional guest voices).
You won't get the joke if you don't listen to BITB, so please go to the Mutual Audio Network and subscribe to the Friday Follies so you can hear a multitude of the back catalog; and to the Sunday Showcase, so you can hear new ones every other week. THEN come back and listen to this one.