Orig. rel. 5/23/14, "Tame Me This Beast" is based on a Jungle-Fiction short story of the same name by Robert Moore Williams, currently in the public domain. This is Season 1, Episode 8 of "Pulp-Pourri Theatre", a continuing anthology series, each based on a different pulp fiction genre, and created in the style of Old-Time Radio. Adapted, Directed and Produced by Pete Lutz. All materials such as sound effects and incidental music in this production were sourced from the public domain. SPECIAL NOTE: All characters in this audio play are portrayed by two actors alone, Dana Gonsalves and Philboyd Studge. See if you can guess who plays whom!
Includes the first two Philboyd Studge interviews: the one with a crack-filler on Mount Rushmore, and the one with the man who has the single most difficult name to pronounce in the world. Also includes a spot for Crazy Crambone's Discount Warehouse in Sandusky Ohio.
Philboyd Studge: Himself; ZVBXRPL Fingerman: R. C. Lutz