We're back! At long last, the 4th installment of NADI is here and ready to enjoy!
1st & 3rd features: Rated G for General Audiences
2nd feature: Rated PG for Parental Guidance due to mild adult language
Your all-new prescription for laughter!
Starring: Darren Rockhold, George Hatfield, Omar Lopez, Nancy Gaugler, Derek Rhein and Angela Young
2. JAKE DIMES, RANGE DETECTIVE Chapter Four: "Arrested!"
Jake gets taken in by the Sheriff of Prickly Pear; we learn what happens to Briar Buck.
Starring: Glenn Higbee, Darren Rockhold, Glenn Hascall, Evy Elizondo, Debby Leal-Ramirez, Joe Stofko, Jeff Niles, Dana Gonsalves, Mark Bruzee, Kristen DiMercurio and Nancy Bueler
3. PULP-POURRI THEATRE S4 E4: "ARSON PLUS" by Dashiell Hammett
Hammett's first story featuring The Continental Op, from 1923! A rollicking jaunt through arson, murder and some other crimes!
Starring: Cannonball Kelly, special guest Ed Champion, Pete Lutz, Alan Clower, Austin Hanna, Skeeter Ullman, Ross Bernhardt, Owen McCuen, Lisa Espinoza, Jason D. Johnson, Gene Giggy, Teddi Giggy, Micah R. Blain, Kevin Schuster, Diana DeHoyos, Katie Loftin, Maurice Curran, Nick Wommack, George Hatfield and Peter D. Howard